Wealth Building, Redefined

Imagine building the portfolio of your dreams. Something you can wake up & be proud to own every single day. That's what we help you achieve.

Do you have what it takes to be a master investor? Find out with the  Crypto Investor Readiness Scorecard. 

5 Areas. 50 Questions. 1 Score. How will you stack up?

Allow me to introduce myself

Hey, I'm Devon Devereaux. Ever since I was just a kid, I've been involved in trading, investing & business. Over the years I've built multiple companies that have earned $10K+ in profit each month, traded my way to incredible returns in 4 different arenas (In-person trading, Runescape, World of Warcraft & Crypto markets), consulted new companies up to $100K sales months, and made a lot of cool projects, including designing an entirely new model for currency - a sort of redevelopment of the foundation of money, built for the modern world. 

I adore money and I love to trade & invest, and now I teach others how to do the same. In contrast to much of the jargon & confusion that gets passed around as "knawledge", I teach fundamental principles & how to connect those principles together to make better decisions. That includes everything from figuring out your own personal style of trading / investing, to evaluating different opportunities properly, building a better portfolio, and so - so - much more.

Let's talk about you

No matter what level of investor you are, we have something for you

"Blue chip stocks are my favorite because Cramer said so on the CNN." - AKA total beginnner. You don't know how to tell up from down, left from left, or a gem from a dud. 

For the beginners & anyone who wants to see what I bring to the table, I've got the Investment Scorecard, Investor Readiness Scorecard & The Trading Confidence Checklist. These each serve a different purpose, and will help you as you learn the absolute basics of investing & trading. After you check those out & understand the absolute basics, the Trading / Investing Warrior Mentorship Program will serve you well. 

"Yeah okay, I can see how riskier moves make for better returns... I just. It's all so confusing. What makes any of these companies / tokens different from each other?" - You've seen the light. You know that investing & trading is something you want to do, but you don't really know how to do it very well. You're something more than a beginner, but you'd hesitate to call yourself an expert, and you're not quite confident enough to call yourself an intermediate either.

For you guys, we've got the Trading / Investing Warrior Mentorship Program, The Inner Circle, and the Coyote Collective retreats. As with the beginners, if you want to see what we bring to the table, check out the Investment Scorecard, Investor Readiness Scorecard & The Trading Confidence Checklist.

"But I already know how to trade and evaluate companies & tokens. What else is there?" - The experts. Those of you who won't benefit from any more training on market cycles, psychology, event management, and so on. 

And for our more advanced members, we have the Inner Circle & the Coyote Collective. Is the Coyote Collective just a bunch of excuses to go travel around the world and do cool $#!T? Yes. Yes it is. Is it also a chance to meet genuinely cool people who you can be friends with for years to come? Yes. Yes it is. Are you going to go buy an Inner Circle membership as soon as you finish reading this? Yes. Yes you are. 

Not sure where you fit in?

The Crypto Investor Readiness Scorecard is one of the most comprehensive investor audits on the market, designed to cut through all the BS & give you some straight answers about your own skills.

Inside, you'll find 50 questions spread across 5 key areas related to investing: Research, Evaluation, Portfolio Management, Crypto Security, Trading, Wealth Management & Mind. Each section is ranked 0 - 100. A score below 70 = failure.

Using this score, you'll discover exactly what to focus on to improve your skills & build the portfolio of your dreams.

Your questions answered

Why should I trust you to teach me anything?

You mean besides the fact that I've built quite a few fantastic projects and have consulted people from $0 in business to $200K in sales within 2 months? Aside from the fact that I've been doing this since I was a kid?

Well, there's the bit where I'm showing you my work & giving you ample resources to judge for yourself whether you trust what I have to say or not. If you don't, so be it.

If you're so good at trading & investing, why aren't you running a hedge fund or an investment firm?

I like my freedom. Freedom of time, freedom to make trades that I want to make, the freedom to go wherever I want on a whim. Trading for other people & running something like a hedge fund or investment firm tends to actively take away from that freedom, and it forces one into a game of social politics vs. actually doing something I enjoy - teaching.

If you've discovered "the secrets" to making large amounts of money, why would you share them?

Now that's a loaded question. First of all, I'm not claiming to know any "deep secrets" - though I do have extensive knowledge & experience in a lot of fields. See the projects above? Yeah. All the art was made by me. All the marketing, the writing, the websites (when applicable), crafted by yours truly. 

The automation recipes in Seraphim - the software I use on the backend to run Crypto Coyote - you guessed it. Made by me. The absolute insanity of coming up with a combination art & financial ecosystem that can flow in multiple directions?  Yeeeep. Me. You don't build things like that without gaining at least a liiiittle bit of insight into what works and what doesn't. 

Second, my teaching does absolutely nothing but benefit you and myself. Unlike if I were running a burger joint & taught you how to build your own burger joint next door, investing & trading don't have that "steal your customers" style of competition. 

 Third, I enjoy it. Simple as that.

What if I can't afford anything you've got?

Then don't buy it?

Serious answer though: If you're in that position, then I highly -highly- recommend first learning about & utilizing business credit. If you get access to cash, then it really eases the mind and helps you make better decisions. Whether you use this credit to buy something of mine, use it to start your own small business, dump it all into your investments or just chill, that's your decision and I'm not going to tell you what's right for you.

Even if you're NOT in any bad position financially, I still recommend building business credit as a safety net. Much better to have $50K - $250K in available credit and not need it, than to not have it and need it. 

There's a company that I highly recommend after having researched dozens of them to find the best one. They're called Fund & Grow and they go out and get business credit on your behalf, then renegotiate to get you higher credit limits. They're worth every penny.

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