The 12 week trading & investing warrior mentorship program

Stop Losing Money Like A Degenerate Gambler, Start Trading (And Investing) Like A Warrior. Hone Your Skills. Master Your Mind.
Live Well.

Find Out What It Takes To Go From "Another Broke Trader" To A Trading Warrior

If you're here, you already know that something needs to change. Maybe you're tired of being confused about why the markets are going down. Maybe you want to stop making bad trades. Maybe you're sick of being distracted by all the noise & the people yelling at you that "XYZ is the bestest token evar!?@?!" 

 Hell maybe you just don't even know what you don't know, and you're feeling a little lost right now.

That's okay. There's no shame in recognizing your weaknesses & working to improve them.

Regardless of the reason you're here, you know one thing for sure: trading & investing are skills you want to develop, and you know they can help you - if you can just figure out how they work. 

That's why we're here. To help you become a better trader & investor.

If you apply yourself & put the knowledge contained in this program to use, you *will* be ahead of 90% of the other people in the market. You'll understand how & why the price of any asset moves (hint: It's not because people are screaming that it "has to"), develop a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of trading & investing, and you'll know what it takes to go from "broke trader" to "Trading Warrior"

This program has two goals:
First: To teach you the foundation you'll need to become a great trader & investor, upgrading your knowledge & skills whether you're fairly new to the game or you've been playing it for a while.
Second: To help you become a better version of yourself. Not in some cheesy Instagram "self love manifestation" kind of way, but in a "get $#!T done" kind of way.

It includes lessons on everything from managing your mental state, to leveling up your active income, to understanding the whole market game in the first place, and how moves are *actually* made, on a fundamental level. There's more of course. All the modules are listed below. 

Now what this program will NOT teach you is what I consider to be absolute beginner "executionary" knowledge - things like executing a trade, setting up your very first crypto wallet, etc. Why? Because not only have a million other people already covered these topics, I believe that if you're here, you either already KNOW that kind of stuff, or you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. 

It also won't teach you about in-depth technical analysis - that's not my area of mastery, and I prefer simplicity to complexity. We won't be talking about indexes, indicators or anything of the sort - but we WILL discuss floor / ceiling prices & properly placing a trade based on those prices. At some point, I may also put more in-depth explorations into TA in the Inner Circle, but that will depend on my more technically inclined friends sharing their knowledge.

Brass tax is this: If you're already familiar with the basics of trading / investing, and want to level up your skills to finally start living the life you knew you were meant to live, then apply to join the program. If you're not a fit, we'll let you know & tell you where you can go to improve your skills and possibly apply again in the future. If you are a fit, then we'll send you all the information you need to make a decision via email, then have an admissions interview to be absolutely sure that you are in fact a good fit.

The Crypto Coyote Method

Step 1 - Master Your Mind | Mental Foundation 

Mental fortitude is the backbone of all investing & trading, period. To master your mind is to become master of your money. 

In this section, we're gonna talk about you and how you can build your own foundation to master your mind and start thinking like an expert trader & investor. 

Step 2 - Choose Your Battlefield | Trading & Investing Overview

In the world of finance, there are many battlefields. Each one a different style of execution, involving different levels of risk & reward. 

Here you'll learn about the differences between trading & investing, the different styles of each, different levels of returns expected in each style, what goes into executing each style well, and hopefully you'll learn which style suits you best. 

Step 3 - Choose Your Weapon | An Overview of The Different Markets

Now that you've found your style, it's time to choose your market of choice. You'll discover an array of different markets & decide where you want to focus your efforts. 

Topics include: An overview of market sectors, the different levels of returns you can see in each, risk levels, and so on. Our focus will be on 3 areas: Commodities, Stocks & Crypto - although we will ALSO cover art, agriculture, and more.

Step 4 - Hunt Like A Warrior | Investing Foundation

Investments require patience, and must be approached as though you are a great hunter, waiting for the right moment to snatch up your prey. 

In this section, we'll talk about executing your investments. Everything from selecting what to put in your portfolio, to properly building it from the ground up. You'll learn the 10 separate areas that go into making a great portfolio pick & get my scorecard to help you rank anything you're considering as an investment

Step 5 - Fight Like A Warrior | Trading Foundation

Trading requires a different set of skills. It's far more akin to battle than investing, and involves multiple layers of complexity.

In contrast to investing, trading has an added layer of complexity involving factors like liquidity, trading volume, market dynamics and much more. We'll talk about what goes into making a good trade good, a bad trade bad, and how to turn the odds of success in your favor.

Step 6 - Bringing A Gun To A Knife Fight | Responsible Leverage

Now that you understand how to trade & invest like a warrior, it's time to ramp up your gains. 

In this module, we're gonna talk about ramping up your trading & investing returns through the *responsible* use of leverage. You'll learn how to manage your use of leverage and how to get access to more cash *without* exposing your positions directly to liquidation.

Step 7 - Act Like A Warrior Next Steps & Taking Action

Knowledge without action is useless. This is something that every great warrior understands and lives by. Act like a warrior. Take action.

In this module, we'll talk about what actions you can take to move forward and turn yourself into a true investing & trading warrior.

What Does This Look Like Put Into Practice?

This is what all of the knowledge you learn will *actually* look like when used well. This is a real telegram conversation that I had with some of my trading friends, after learning about the new breakthrough in nuclear fusion tech. (That's December 16th, 2022. A few days after the US announced they successfully created a fusion reaction). 

The week after this, I researched even further and found out about the newer versions of fusion power that involve using helium & deuterium to create fusion - as opposed to the generally used method of deuterium & tritium. Interestingly, the process that a certain company uses also allows them to handle production of a fusion fuel - potentially in the same area as where they use it and generate power directly from fusion. That opens up a whole world of business cases & potential market movements, especially in a couple of commodities.

Green = me, yes you can look me up on Telegram under the name Synclair.

Obviously, this isn't *everything* (not even close), but it should give you a better idea of what goes into making real trades & investments and doing real analytical work.

My Promise To You

Before you get it twisted, this is NOT a magic bullet. I'm not promising you riches, I won't tempt you with pictures of rented lambos, and I won't ever tell you that investing & trading are "easy". What I'm saying is: you're not gonna take this program and make a million dollars tomorrow or 50K next week. If it were that easy, the million wouldn't even be worth it.

However, I am here for you. I *only* accept students who I believe are a good fit for this program, and I want you to have gained a better understanding of both investing & trading as skills. If you apply the knowledge you learn here, you'll gain an investing & trading foundation that can serve you for the rest of your life. 

More than that, what you learn here will go beyond just monetary gain. Building your foundation in these skills will help you be more patient, see the world in a different light & may quite literally change your life.

Because of the nature of this program, I do NOT offer refunds for any reason. If you decide to take this program, you're making a commitment to me & to yourself to show up & do the work. If you're not prepared to accept that, do NOT apply to join this program.

About Your Teacher

Synclair the Crypto Coyote

I've been involved in business & entrepreneurship since I was a kid. Every time I went camping, I would trade things between the different merchants' stalls, starting with little .25 cent pewter statues and working my way up to $50 rabbit-skin bags & more, in-between selling homemade brownies & delivering ice. 

As an adult, I made my way through trial & error (and a LOT of it) by trying out many different side hustles & "businesses" - some of which even grew to be 6 figure companies! But it wasn't until I found investing & swing trading that I got what I'd consider a true "big break" - that is, my sacred trinity of life, money, and freedom. 

My philosophy towards work is that whatever you do, it should serve your life and give you the time & freedom to do the things you actually WANT to do. What I found was that, although a lot of different methods *promise* to give you that, most of the popular methods being taught are just different forms of jobs - only with an extra degree of responsibility. Simply put, they just flat out don't work unless you dedicate your life to them. 

So I set out to educate people on their options, and particularly about investing & trading - two methods that - when used well -  *actually* give you the freedom you need. They aren't magic bullets, but they do have the sacred trinity of money, freedom & time - allowing you to work when you want, from where you want & scale your income as high as you want. 

Even better, there's no competition for execution like there is with many other money making methods.

Unlike most, I do NOT discuss my finances and I do NOT offer income guarantees to ANY of my students. Your earnings will vary, but your peace of mind and the skills & knowledge you build will last a lifetime.

How Do We Stack Up Against The Competition?

Your Questions Answered

What exactly is included in this program?

Simply put, you'll get access to all the modules & course material as listed above, plus mentorship from Synclair himself each week. 

Bear in mind that this is a mentorship program, and you'll get out what you put in. If you're prepared to hit the ground running, do the work and ask the right questions, you'll go further than you ever thought possible.

As part of this program, you'll also have the option of letting one of our partners build & acquire up to $250K in business credit for you. It's not required, but it is recommended, if only as a safety net.

If you aren't a member of the Inner Circle, you'll also receive a month included with this mentorship program, granted *after* the program is complete.

If you're already a member of the Inner Circle, well then you'll also get a month, applied to your next billing cycle.

Is there an income guarantee?

F**K Yeah there is!

In just 3 days, after spending less than 2 minutes in this program, not only will you make more money than the president of the USA made between 2016-2020, you'll also have rock hard abs AND the girlfriend you've always dreamed of!

I can personally guarantee that without putting in any work at all, without spending a single minute trading, and without even risking a DIME on an investment, you *will* earn $200,000,000 within 3 days.

In all seriousness, of course not. Investing is always a risk, regardless of the asset. Done well, that risk can be minimized, and generational wealth can be built with a combination of skill, luck, and effort. 

Ultimately, you choose what to invest in, you choose how much you're willing to risk on any investment, and you choose how much you dedicate yourself to improving your skills & making better investments. Its your future. Choose well.

I'm new to crypto, will this program help me understand what a blockchain is?

Yes & no. While crypto isn't the explicit purpose of this program, you will get feedback on your particular market & on your foundation within that market. If crypto is where your focus is, then you're welcome to ask as many questions as you want regarding it & how blockchain tech in general connects with the world of Decentralized Finance, ala yield farming, staking & more.

More importantly, this program will help you understand what market is right for you & help you build a trading / investing foundation that can apply to *any* market. If crypto's not your thing, that's perfectly fine.

I AM also working on putting more crypto specific material in the Inner Circle, so stay tuned for that.

Will you build a portfolio for me?

No. I can give you recommendations based on assets that I believe have a lot of potential for the future, and I will give you feedback on any assets you're considering adding to your portfolio, but YOU are ultimately responsible for any and all investment / trading decisions that you choose to make.

How do I know if I'm a fit?

Well, it's simple really. If you're a total novice and you don't know which way is up or down, have no idea how to access an exchange or place an order, etc... Then you're not a good fit and I can't help you yet. 

That's not to say that you won't be a good fit in the future, but right now, you just wouldn't fit in to this program. Depending on your level of experience, you may want to join the Inner Circle & focus on educating yourself OR you may want to find another teacher who focuses on helping beginners.

Either way, I would make sure that you grab the Investment Scorecard & Trading Confidence Checklist, so you can be adequately prepared on your trading journey.

If however you've been trading or investing for a while, you're comfortable with the idea of everything & you're sure that this is something you want to keep doing, you're a good fit.

If you're also willing to accept responsibility for your actions & ready to hit the ground running to put the work into studying & building your foundation, then you're a great fit.

What if I need more personal help after this program?

Fortunately for you, we've got options. For those of you who need an extra hand, a push in the right direction to keep them on track, or just want someone to evaluate their picks & make sure they're up to par, we have ongoing coaching available. 

For those who've built a strong foundation and want help finding new opportunities or want to know what the current state of the market is, but don't necessarily want coaching, you may want to check out the Inner Circle.

Why don't you show off all the money your students are making?

2 reasons:

1. Because I don't want you to take this program just because some other people got great financial results that you're hoping to emulate. I want you to join because *you* know that it's right for *you*. 

2. Because this program isn't just about making money. Yes, we talk about investing & trading, and yes one of our goals is to be profitable. The ultimate goal is really to live a great life & build the "true wealth trifecta" - money, time & health. 

In the end, money is just the facilitator of doing cool things. It's a catalyst that helps the right people make, buy & do the things that they want, but it will *never* replace time or health.

Is my purchase tax deductible?

Fuck yeah it is. Save your receipt & get yourself those sweet, sweet deductions. 

What if I can't afford your program?

Then don't buy it? I'm not here to tell you what you can and can't afford, nor am I here to push you into making any kind of big financial decision. You have to decide for yourself what you want to buy and how much work you're willing to put into reaching the next level of skill in, well, anything. 

For those of you who are pumped about doing *something*, but just don't have the cash available, I always recommend that you go out and hire a credit stacking company or otherwise get a whole lot of business credit. That will put your mind at ease and allow you to slow down, really think things through, and decide what you want to commit to.

Reject Degenerate Gambling. Embrace Strength, Wisdom & Intellect.

If you're a great fit for this program, you already know it. If you aren't we'll let you know & recommend you other options to help you learn & hopefully reapply in the future. 

Need help? Call or text: +1-612-470-2831 (or) email:
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DISCLAIMER: The investment returns stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal returns and in some cases the returns of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All investing & trading entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM CRYPTO COYOTE.