Crypto Coyote
Investment Training Based On Reality, Not On Theory

At Crypto Coyote, three fundamental principles guide everything we do:
total integrity, a cutting-edge strategy that works, and minimizing risk while maximizing reward.
To that end, everything we teach is about helping you find the top 1% of investment opportunities, managing your portfolio properly, and using what you've learned to start living the exact kind of life you want to lead.
It's not easy, it's not simple, and it's not always sexy. But it works.
Every opportunity we present you with, every bit of training, coaching, and analysis is based on facts, experience and wisdom.
We know that not every investment will work out in your favor, and that the market conditions are always changing.
We also know that it doesn't matter. When you manage your portfolio correctly, you won't feel the sting of price drops as harshly. When you learn to do good research, you'll find that there's ALWAYS another opportunity around the corner.
We want every one of our students to graduate as happy campers, ecstatic in the fact that they were able to change their life through investing.
3 Guidelines Before Doing Business With Us…

Don't work with us if you want to “Get Rich Quick”
We present you with training and opportunities that make the journey easier, but success takes a Hell of a lot of hard work. There are no substitutes. If you believe in something for nothing, we can’t help you. You must be willing to pay the price for success.
We can make it simple. We can give you a step-by-step game plan for finding the best investment opportunities, profiting from major events in the market and mastering your mindset. But, even though we can make it simple, no one can make it EASY.
Every result you see on this site is from an extraordinary investor. They showed up coachable, decisive, and resourceful. They were willing to put in the work and manage their portfolios properly. They pushed through setbacks, overwhelm, and challenges, and they earned their success.
“Get rich quick” does not exist in the real world. Neither does “get rich easy”.
Don't expect extraordinary results unless
your portfolio is at least $10K
Let's face it. It takes money to make money, and that's especially true for investing. Here's the harsh reality: If you try and start investing with just $100 and think that it's magically going to turn into a million dollars in a month, you're wrong.
Extraordinary results DO happen, especially in volatile markets, especially in the world of crypto. It IS possible to generate a massive return on your investment in a short period of time, IF you know what you're doing.
That said, best practice is to have a portfolio of at least $10,000. This will allow you to diversify your portfolio enough into a set of assets which will insulate you from any price drops, while giving you the ability to greatly profit from an increase in price in any one asset.
If you don't have a portfolio of at least $10,000, that's okay. Determination is the most critical factor in success. Just don't expect extraordinary results in a short length of time.

It's not all about the money - It's about what you do with it
One of our guiding principles is built around one question: “What will you do with the money you earn?"
That’s how we make every decision about everything in our portfolio and our business, from what opportunities we focus on, when we take our profits, where we advertise, to the prices we charge, to how we deliver our programs.
We will expect YOU to do the same thing.
Understand this: money and freedom are just the by-products of sound decision making and a commitment to finding the best opportunities you can. If you're not willing to put in the work, or you want to risk 100% of your portfolio on every random meme token that comes your way, we’re not a fit to work together.
All that being said, let’s talk about who is a fit to work with Crypto Coyote.

Who We're For…
Investors and traders who are looking to get an edge on the market, stop stressing out about the possibility of losing their shirt and start resting easy knowing that you've made solid investments that will pay off in the future.
You must be willing to accept the possibility of loss, and understand that every investment carries risk, no matter how safe it seems on the surface.
You must take responsibility for your portfolio, and accept the fact that nobody has a crystal ball.
The market can be a cruel mistress to the unprepared and the uneducated, yet it will always reward those who make sound investment decisions and those who are willing to pick themselves up again after they've been knocked down.
If that's you, then start by checking out our programs and purchasing the course that you're most interested in.
Once you've done that, we'll see you in the discord server.